CRYST INJECT RESIN® is a two-component (component A+B), phthalate-free, very low viscous, and elastic polyurethane injection resin. Due to the very low viscosity, it leads to very deep penetration into hairline cracks and fine structures. CRYST INJECT RESIN® is designed to seal moist and dry cracks permanently, making a watertight system that has a limited volume expansion in contact with water/humidity. CRYST INJECT RESIN® is not used against flowing water.

CRYST INJECT RESIN® can be directly used to permanently seal cracks, voids, and joints in concrete structures, brickwork, and natural and artificial stonework. If the structure has water leakage, it is recommended to inject with CRYST INJECT FOAM®. Applications include tunnels, basements, diaphragm walls, manholes, reservoirs, water tanks, pools, etc.

  • Permanent solution.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  •  Low viscosity helps ensure complete penetration inside cracks.
  •  Used as an one component system.
  •  Elastic and permanent seal helps to absorb limited movements.
  •  phthalate and solvent-free.
  •  Good chemical resistance.
  •  Good bonding to moist and dry surfaces.
  •  Can be injected through 1C or 2C component pump.

Component A : 10 ltr metal canister
Component B : 10 ltr metal canister